@article{2014-voelzke, Abstract = {The present work investigates a non-destructive hyperfine state detection method for neutral atoms in an one dimensional optical lattice. The atoms are exposed to near resonant light and from their fluorescence image their internal state can be extracted. Additionally a compression method is presented to densify an atomic ensemble in this trap. Chapter 1 presents the experimental setup for trapping a small atomic ensemble in an one dimensional lattice. Chapter 2 focuses on the compression sequence and its effciency. Chapter 3 is devoted to the state detection of well separated individual atoms. It provides detailed studies of the imaging system and the state dependent imaging is investigated experimentally and theoretically. In chapter 4 a Bayesian analysis of the fluorescence images is used to improve the state detection fidelity. In chapter 5 the state detection is performed for groups of atoms that cannot be individually resolved. For two atoms this is done experimentally and the many atom case is simulated to compare different analysis methods. Finally, chapter 6 summarizes the results of this thesis and gives a short outlook.}, Author = {Völzke, Y.}, Journal = {}, Pages = {}, Title = {{Simultaneous Non-Destructive State Detection of Neutral Atoms}}, Volume = {}, Year = {2014} }