@article{1999-nagel, Abstract = {The first two chapters will give an introduction into the theoretical models developed in order to understand the CPT resonance dependence on a multitude of external parameters for the special experimental configurations used. Chapter three describes the two different experimental configurations. Whereas the initial setup was characterized by the versatility needed for many systematic investigations of CPT resonances, the new set-up, which is based on a novel type diode laser, already constitutes a step towards an extremely simple and robust device as it is needed for practical applications outside the laboratory environment. In chapter four which occupies major parts of this thesis a wide range of systematic investigations is reported and compared with the theoretical models of the first chapters. This also includes the search for possible optimization of experimental parameters. For instance, the use of buffer gas techniques facilitated the reduction of the CPT linewidth observed tb below 50 Hz. The contents of the last chapter consists of two proof-of-principle experiments for the sensitive detection of small magnetic fields and the determination of the g-factor ratio. Although the setup was far from being optimized, oscillating fields in the kHz range with a flux density amplitude of only several pT could already be detected.}, Author = {Nagel, A.}, Journal = {}, Pages = {}, Title = {{Precision Spectroscopy of Coherent Dark States in Thermal Cesium Vapour}}, Volume = {}, Year = {1999} }