@article{2012-manz, Abstract = {
The present thesis is divided into three parts: Chapter one gives a brief theoretical introduction followed by a short description of the existing experimental setup. Subsequently, the implementation and characterization of the strongly focused dipole trap is presented. The chapter closes with an introduction of the heterodyne detection setup. Chapter two highlights theoretical aspects of heterodyne detection, emphasizing the estimation of the expected signal-to-noise ratio in comparison to the measurements. Finally, chapter three deals with heterodyne spectroscopy as a tool to map intracavity dynamics to frequency domain. At first a short theoretical introduction into cooling of the motional degree of freedom of a trapped atom in a cavity is given. First measurements of motional sidebands are presented and possible broadening mechanisms are discussed in detail. Eventually, the extracted temperature and cooling rate is compared to theoretical expectations.
}, Author = {Manz, S.}, Journal = {}, Pages = {}, Title = {{Heterodyne spectroscopy with single atoms in a high-finesse optical cavity}}, Volume = {}, Year = {2012} }