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Dieter Meschedes Forschungsgruppe
Mitarbeiter - BEC
Claudia Weber
Last position
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Publications(up to 2012)

  • N. Spethmann, F. Kindermann, S. John, C. Weber, D. Meschede and A. Widera
    Dynamics of single neutral impurity atoms immersed in an ultracold gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 235301 (2012)arXivBibTeXPDF
    We report on controlled doping of an ultracold Rb gas with single neutral Cs impurity atoms. Elastic two-body collisions lead to a rapid thermalization of the impurity inside the Rb gas, representing the first realization of an ultracold gas doped with a precisely known number of impurity atoms interacting via s-wave collisions. Inelastic interactions are restricted to a single three-body recombination channel in a highly controlled and pure setting, which allows to determine the Rb-Rb-Cs three-body loss rate with unprecedented precision. Our results pave the way for a coherently interacting hybrid system of individually controllable impurities in a quantum many-body system.
  • N. Spethmann, F. Kindermann, S. John, C. Weber, D. Meschede and A. Widera
    Inserting single Cs atoms into an ultracold Rb gas, Appl. Phys. B 106, 513 (2012)arXivBibTeXPDF
    We report on the controlled insertion of individual Cs atoms into an ultracold Rb gas at ≈400 nK. This requires one to combine the techniques necessary for cooling, trapping and manipulating single laser cooled atoms around the Doppler temperature with an experiment to produce ultracold degenerate quantum gases. In our approach, both systems are prepared in separated traps and then combined. Our results pave the way for coherent interaction between a quantum gas and a single or few neutral atoms of another species.
  • C. Weber
    Controlled few-body interactions in ultracold bosonic mixtures, (2010), DoktorarbeitBibTeXPDF
    In this thesis two experiments with heteronuclear Bose-Bose mixtures are discussed. The goal of the first experiment is a controlled doping of a rubidium condensate with single caesium atoms. These undertake the task of a non-destructive probe to investigate quantum mechanical phenomena time- and spatially resolved. In this thesis the necessary methods to produce, store, and detect both components, single atoms and the condensate, are realized. In a first experiment up to 10 caesium atoms are stored as a probe in contact with a cold rubidium atomic cloud. The interaction parameters are extracted from the dynamics of the single atoms. This is an important step towards the controlled doping of a condensate. The aim of the second experiment is the production and spectroscopy of ultracold heteronuclear potassium-rubidium molecules with universal properties. Close to two magnetic s-wave Feshbach resonances weakly bound molecules in high vibrational states are created, and their binding energy and the position of the associated Feshbach resonance are determined. These results in combination with two narrow d-wave Feshbach resonances provide the basis for a more precise parametrization of the potassium-rubidium molecular potential. The knowledge of this is important to identify a proper scheme to transfer the molecules via coherent coupling into their rovibrational ground state. These molecules offer a permanent dipole moment and thus are of particular interest for e.g. quantum information processing due to their anisotropic, long-range dipole-dipole interaction.
  • C. Weber, S. John, N. Spethmann, D. Meschede and A. Widera
    Single Cs Atoms as Collisional Probes in a large Rb Magneto-Optical Trap, Phys. Rev. A 82, 042722 (2010)arXivBibTeXPDF
    We study cold interspecies collisions of cesium and rubidium in a strongly imbalanced system with single and few Cs atoms. Observation of the single-atom fluorescence dynamics yields insight into light-induced loss mechanisms, while both subsystems can remain in steady state. This significantly simplifies the analysis of the dynamics, as Cs-Cs collisions are effectively absent and the majority component remains unaffected, allowing us to extract a precise value of the Rb-Cs collision parameter. Extending our results to ground-state collisions would allow to use single neutral atoms as coherent probes for larger quantum systems.
  • G. Barontini, C. Weber, F. Rabatti, J. Catani, G. Thalhammer, M. Inguscio and F. Minardi
    Observation of Heteronuclear Atomic Efimov Resonances, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 043201 (2009)arXivBibTeX
    Building on the recent experimental observation with ultracold atoms, we report the first experimental evidence of Efimov physics in a heteronuclear system. A mixture of 41K and 87Rb atoms was cooled to few hundred nanokelvins and stored in an optical dipole trap. Exploiting a broad interspecies Feshbach resonance, the losses due to three-body collisions were studied as a function of the interspecies scattering length. We observe an enhancement of the three-body collisions for three distinct values of the interspecies scattering lengths, both positive and negative, where no Feshbach resonances are expected. We attribute the two features at negative scattering length to the existence of two kinds of Efimov trimers, KKRb and KRbRb.
  • G. Thalhammer, G. Barontini, J. Catani, F. Rabatti, C. Weber, A. Simoni, F. Minardi and M. Inguscio
    Collisional and molecular spectroscopy in an ultracold Bose–Bose mixture, New J. Phys. 11, 055044 (2009)arXivBibTeX
    The route towards a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) of dipolar molecules requires the ability to efficiently associate dimers of different chemical species and transfer them to the stable rovibrational ground state. Here, we report on recent spectroscopic measurements of two weakly bound molecular levels and newly observed narrow d-wave Feshbach resonances. The data are used to improve the collisional model for the Bose–Bose mixture 41K87Rb, one of the most promising candidates to create a molecular dipolar BEC.
  • C. Weber, G. Barontini, J. Catani, G. Thalhammer, M. Inguscio and F. Minardi
    Association of ultracold double-species bosonic molecules, Phys. Rev. A 78, 061601(R) (2008)arXivBibTeX
    We report on the creation of heterospecies bosonic molecules, associated from an ultracold Bose-Bose mixture of 41K and 87Rb, by using a resonantly modulated magnetic field close to two Feshbach resonances. We measure the binding energy of the weakly bound molecular states versus the Feshbach field and compare our results to theoretical predictions. We observe the broadening and asymmetry of the association spectrum due to the thermal distribution of the atoms and a frequency shift occurring when the binding energy depends nonlinearly on the Feshbach field. A simple model is developed to quantitatively describe the association process. This work represents a required step toward Bose-Einstein condensates of dipolar molecules.
  • B. Klöter, C. Weber, D. Haubrich, D. Meschede and H. Metcalf
    Laser cooling of an indium atomic beam enabled by magnetic fields, Phys. Rev. A 77, 033402 (2008)BibTeXPDF
    We demonstrate magnetic field enabled optical forces on a neutral indium atomic beam in a light field consisting of five frequencies. The role of dark magnetic ground state sublevels is studied and enables us to cool the atomic beam transversely to near the Doppler limit with laser frequencies tuned above the atomic resonance. The effect of laser cooling can be explained with transient effects in the light potential created by the standing wave light field where the atoms are optically pumped into the dark states and recycled by Larmor precession.
  • M. Haas, V. Leung, D. Frese, D. Haubrich, S. John, C. Weber, A. Rauschenbeutel and D. Meschede
    Species-selective microwave cooling of a mixture of rubidium and caesium atoms, New J. Phys. 9, 147 (2007)BibTeXPDF
    We have sympathetically cooled a small sample of 133Cs atoms with 87Rb to below 1 μK. Evaporative cooling was realized with microwave radiation driving the Rb ground-state hyperfine transition. By analysing the sympathetic cooling dynamics, we derive a lower limit of the modulus of the Rb–Cs interspecies triplet s-wave scattering length of 200 a_0. For temperatures below 5 μK we observe strong non-exponential losses of the Cs sample in the presence of the Rb sample.
  • A. Camposeo, O. Maragò, B. Fazio, B. Klöter, D. Meschede, U. Rasbach, C. Weber and E. Arimondo
    Resist-assisted atom lithography with group III elements, Appl. Phys. B 85, 487-491 (2006)BibTeXPDF
    Resist-assisted atom lithography with group III elements, specifically with gallium and indium, is demonstrated. Self-assembled monolayers (SAM) of nonanethiols prepared on thin sputtered gold films were exposed to a beam of neutral gallium and indium atoms through a physical mask. The interaction of the Ga and In atoms with the nonanethiol layer, followed by a wet etching process, creates well defined structures on the gold film, with features below 100 nm. The threshold of the lithographic process was estimated by optical methods and found to be around 3 gallium atoms and 12 indium atoms per thiol molecule. Our experiments suggest that resist-assisted atom lithography can be realized with group III elements and possibly extended to new neutral atomic species.
  • C. Weber
    Ein lasergekühlter Indiumatomstrahl zur atomaren Nanostrukturierung, (2005), DiplomarbeitBibTeXPDF
